Lumbar Spine Pain
Lumbar spine pain is a chronic, expensive and potentially debilitating problem. For many, there is no easy fix. It is a serious health issue that afflicts millions of people annually.
According to the University of Missouri-Columbia, the age groups most affected by this problem range from the 30's to the 60's. For those over 40 years of age, chronic lumbar spine pain ranks as one of the top three causes of disability.

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It will affect over 80% of us at some point in our lives, and approximately 20-30% of us at any given time.
To date, the overall costs (direct and indirect) of management and treatment of back-related issues are estimated at somewhere around $100 BILLION annually.
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To learn more about your lumbar apine, and spine health, check out the video below. Be sure to click on "Select Health Topic" and select "spine health"
Chronic low back pain is a leading cause of missed work days in the U.S., with over 80% of Americans experiencing an average of 14 missed days. The costs in terms of lost productivity can be staggering, and an issue that must be dealt with pro-actively.
These lost work days can amount to staggering financial losses for companies and employers. Increased Workman's Compensation claims lead to higher corporate insurance premiums, which are then transferred to employees by way of increased premiums paid and high deductibles on their individual health insurance plans for drugs and treatments.
Low back pain of any kind is not a condition limited to people living in the United States; rather, it is a global health problem which taxes health systems, insurance payors, employers and patients alike.

Typical causes can include sprains and strains, degenerative arthritis, bulging or herniated discs, poor support by the abdominal “core” muscle group and spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal).
Chronic low back pain can become quite debilitating over time. It (the pain) can literally "sap" the strength from a person, and an also be a causative factor in the development of depression.
We’ll explore some common causes, signs and symptoms and the types of treatment options that are available.
Lumbar Sprain / Strain
Degenerative Disc Disease
Bulging / Herniated Lumbar Disc
Degenerative Arthritis
Spinal Stenosis
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